Romaisa Name Meaning, Origin, Religion, Personality, Lucky Number

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Romaisa Meaning

Jannat Ki Khoobsoorti, Wind that scatters dust and hides tracks and footprints

Romaisa Urdu spelling


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  • Muslim
Rumaisah (spelled رُمَيْسَة in Arabic) is an Arabic name for girls that means “wind that scatters dust and hides tracks and footprints”.

If Rumaisah is spelled as رُمَيْثَة in Arabic (more accurately written as Rumaithah in English, but many people would simplify the name to Rumaisah), it becomes another name which according to the Lisan al-Arab dictionary is the name of a place. This name comes from the R-M-TH root, which can be used to rebuild its meaning. The root has meanings of “increasing”, thus Rumaisah would mean “an increase [in something]“. Rumaisah can also be the feminine diminutive form of Rams/Ramth, which means “raft” (a flat structure made of timber that is used as a boat), in which case Rumaisah would mean “little raft”.Rumaisah/Rumaithah is the name of two Sahabiyaat (female companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his companions): Rumaithah bint Amr bin Hashim and Rumaithah bint Hakeem.

What does Romaisa mean?

Romaisa is a name of origin for Baby girls that mean Jannat Ki Khoobsoorti, Wind that scatters dust and hides tracks and footprints

How do you write Romaisa in ?

The name Romaisa is written in Arabic, Urdu and Persian as رمیسہ

What origin is the name Romaisa?

Romaisa is mainly popular in religion and its main origin is

Variant spellings of the name Romaisa

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Lucky number for Romaisa

The lucky number for Romaisa name is unknown, Would you like to Suggest an Edit with your feedback?

Is Romaisa a trendy name?

Baby girl name Romaisa has roots and means Jannat Ki Khoobsoorti, Wind that scatters dust and hides tracks and footprints. The name has secured a 22K ranking in popularity on Pakistan Web.

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Saad Sheikh
Meaning of Rumaisah (spelled رُمَيْسَة in Arabic) in Urdu would be Aisi hawa jo qadmon k nishan mita day aur apnay sath matti ko uraa lay jaye.
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