Islamic Book Dawa-E-Shafi By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Ana Zai

Ana Zai

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Book name is “Dawaa-e-Shafi” Written by Imam Ibn e Qayyem All Jauzia. Urdu Translation by Muhammad Ismail Godhravi.

Dawa-e-Shafi means "The healing medicine" ...
An Islamic remedy (Rohani Ilaj) of all our spiritual and emotional dilemmas.
Why and how a human (Muslim) involved in spiritual and physical sins and evils, and how the effects of those sins affect the internal and external body and spirit of human. Imam Qayyem wrote the concept of all these evils and gave us ways form Quran, Hadiths and life of Muhammad PBUH to overcome these sins, writer tells us how to purify ourselves from sins.

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This is d BOok which Our Hanna is Reading (Nimra Ahmed wrote d 10 solutions Of Marz e Mustamr... Check page 424)

@Blue Moon @poma123 @Twilight @Imal @Zirwah @Sajjal @bhindu @deehu @b khan @Snow Angel @mnsiq @doctorabidasajid @Deena @ariba khan n all Namalians :)

@M Shah @Hafsa @Muhammad Usman @Wanderer
@Muhammad Usman Yes I know .. But I'm shocked .. Apko kesy pata hy ??
@Hafsa Es liye Apka Name Alag se TaG kiya hy :D
No comments before reading :muted: and I don't know how much time it will take ?
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