Duha Name Meaning, Origin, Religion, Personality, Lucky Number

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Duha Meaning

Forenoon, The time between sunrise and noon

Duha Urdu spelling


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Name gender Baby girl
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  • Muslim
Dhuha is another spelling of the Arabic girl name Zuha which means "forenoon", the time between sunrise and noon. They are the same name and have the same meaning and pronunciation. Both spellings are acceptable. For more details see: Zuha

What does Duha mean?

Duha is a name of origin for Baby girls that mean Forenoon, The time between sunrise and noon

How do you write Duha in ?

The name Duha is written in Arabic, Urdu and Persian as ضحی

What origin is the name Duha?

Duha is mainly popular in religion and its main origin is

Variant spellings of the name Duha

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Lucky number for Duha

The lucky number for Duha name is unknown, Would you like to Suggest an Edit with your feedback?

Is Duha a trendy name?

Baby girl name Duha has roots and means Forenoon, The time between sunrise and noon. The name has secured a 4K ranking in popularity on Pakistan Web.

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User comments & opinions about Duha

Quranic Surah Duha revealed on Hazrat Muhammad salat o wasalam in a condition when he did nt received any wahi from Allah for 18 days. on pointing out hazrat khadija even k Allah jani naraz to nai ho gy Aap salat o wasalm became much desperate. on this occassion this surah revealed wherein Allah azwajal ny din ki roshni ki kasam khai k unhon ny aap salat o wasalm ko nai bhula wo unhyn kaisy bhul sakty hain k unhun ny kabi aap ko tanha nai chora or unkareeb wo un ko itna aata karyn gy k aap apny rab sy raazi ho jayn gy bes aap yateemon ko kabi na bhulyn. mugy yeh sura is ka shan e nazool boht payara laga hy. i m expecting with a baby girl or main us ka name Duhaa rakhun gi. aj k is desperate age m jb hamara rabta allah k 7 toota hua lagta hy namaz m khushu ni milta aisa lgta hy jaisy Allah jani naraz sy ho hyn hamari baiti sura Duhaa ki sari barkty liye huy hamari zindgion m aye or Allah k 7 hamary taluq ko aik baar phr pka kr dy din ki roshni ki tarah ye yaqeen utar dy k Allah pak hmy kabni tanha chor e ni skty bs raju krny ki dair or yahi wo taluq hy jo main chahun gi k mere baiti is duya k har fard m apny ALLAH jani k liye paida krny m role play kry. us ki zindgi din k ujaaly ki tarah roshan ho or maqsad e hayat sura Duhaa ki tafseer ho. ameen. i realy love my doughter. Allah bless her always amin.
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