61 Names that Mean Companion for Boys and Girls

List of baby names that mean Companion for your baby boy and baby girl. See all the latest Baby names meaning Companion, Find rare and unique names that stand for Companion, What name means Companion? All Companion names for girls, Companion names for boys.

  1. Anisur Rehman انیس الرحمٰن

    Companion of The Most Merciful Companion Merciful
  2. Fujai فوجئ

    Name of Prophet's companion Companion
  3. Farasifa

    Name of Prophet's companion Companion
  4. Busrah بسرعہ

    She was Prophet's companion who lived until the era of Muawiyah Companion
  5. Jumaymah جمیمہ

    Names of a female companions, A great amount of tangled grass and bushes Companion
  6. Muashir مُعاشر

    Close friend, Fellow, Companion Close Companion Fellow Friend
  7. Ishrah عشرہ

    Companionship, Fellowship Companion Fellow Fellowship
  8. Wafeeq وفیق

    "Companion”, “friend”. It also means “harmonious”, “appropriate”. Appropriate Companion Friend Harmonious
  9. Awlya اولياء

    Good Friend and Companion, Supporters, Close friends, Allies Close Companion Friend Good Supporter Supportive
  10. Aneesa انيسہ

    Gentle, Good Friend and Companion Companion Friend Gentle Good