Nazira Name Meaning, Origin, Religion, Personality, Lucky Number

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Nazira Meaning

Beauty and radiance in a person’s face, Faces of the residents of Jannah (Paradise)

Nazira Urdu spelling


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  • Muslim
Nazira describes beauty and radiance in a person's face. The Quran uses the word to describe the faces of the residents of Jannah (Paradise).
[Some] faces, that Day, will be radiant {75:22}
You will find in their faces the brightness of bliss. {83:24}

This name should not be confused with the popular Arab name Naaderah (in which the 'd' is the Arabic letter dal instead of dhaal), which means 'rare', and is not a Quranic name. Obviously most non-Arabs would pronounce both names the same way, but it is good if the person named such knows what the correct pronunciation of their name is. Thus Naadhirah, the Quranic name that this entry is about, has the letter 'dhal', which is the letter that you read in 'ghairal maghdhoobi alaihim waladhaaleen' in Suratul Fatiha.

What does Nazira mean?

Nazira is a name of origin for Baby girls that mean Beauty and radiance in a person’s face, Faces of the residents of Jannah (Paradise)

How do you write Nazira in ?

The name Nazira is written in Arabic, Urdu and Persian as ناضرہ

What origin is the name Nazira?

Nazira is mainly popular in Muslim religion and its main origin is

Variant spellings of the name Nazira

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Lucky number for Nazira

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Is Nazira a trendy name?

Baby girl name Nazira has roots and means Beauty and radiance in a person’s face, Faces of the residents of Jannah (Paradise). The name has secured a 2K ranking in popularity on Pakistan Web.

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