Seerat e Sahabah Abu Bakr Al Seddeeq



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Honor of being the Companion

When the Meccans were intent on putting out, once and for all, the light of Islam, Allah commanded the holy Prophet to move to Medina. In the burning heat of the midday sun, there was a knock at Abu Bakr’s door. He ran to the door and found the Messenger of Allah standing outside. “I must leave for Medina tonight,” he said.
“Will I also have the honor of going with you?” asked Abu Bakr eagerly..

“Of course,” came the reply. “Set about getting things ready.”
Abu Bakr was beside himself with joy. “I have been looking forward to this day for months,” he exclaimed. “I have specifically kept two camels to carry us to Medina.”
It was Abu Bakr who made all the arrangements for the historic journey. For three days he and the Prophet lay hidden in the Thaur cave. Abu Bakr’s slave tended the flocks of goats near the cave all day and supplied them fresh milk for food. His son, Abdullah, brought news about what the Meccans were doing.
The Meccans were searching for the holy Prophet like mad hounds. Once they came right to the mouth of the cave. Abu Bakr grew pale with fright. He feared, not for himself, but for the Prophet. However, the holy Prophet remained perfectly calm.
“Do not fear,” he said to Abu Bakr, “certainly Allah is with us.”
Of all the companions, Abu Bakr had the honor of being with the Prophet during the most critical days of his life. Abu Bakr knew full well what this honor meant. And he did full justice to the trust put in him.
