Google Plus: Basic Tips for Beginners

Firstly when you visit Google + the site responds to certain keys being pressed, if you press the spacebar you will scroll down the Stream, if you press Shift + Spacebar you will scroll back up. Similarly if you press ‘J’ your browser will jump down to the next post, or if you press ‘K’ it will jump up the Stream to the previous post.It is not obvious how to send someone a private message, however it is pretty simple. All you do is write your message and then make sure that it will not be broadcasted to any circles, simply start typing the recipients name and then choose the correct one from the drop-down list, once you click share it will be sent. You may also want to disable the recipent from sharing the message, click the small arrow in the top-right hand corner and select ‘Disable reshare’ to do this. The image below shows this more clearly.When sending messages and posting statuses etc on Facebook you were unable to change the text at all, however Google + allows you to put parts of your text in Bold, Italic and Strikeout, you can even combine all three.If you want to mention someone in your shares simply type either ‘@’ or ‘+’ followed the person’s name and then select the person you want from the list which appears (see below), obviously you can add multiple people if you choose, and in the future you will be able to add business etc. When compared to Twitter you will be able to @ mention more people as Twitter’s 140 character limit was very restrictive.
