Toronto for kashmir...



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We applaud Arqam Al-Hadeed, Leeds Youth MP who spoke at the House of Commons in London for Kashmir. Thank you for raising your voice for the truth and for the oppressed. We encourage all youth to join him in raising their voices against tyranny, facism, discrimination, colonialization etc. It is the youth of today that is the future of tomorrow. It's time for us to lead a revolution and make a difference, time for us to make history!

The people of Kashmir have been denied all human rights, they have been denied a right to their land and their lives. India is oppressing the people of Kashmir and killing them at will.

73 years ago the colonized became the colonizer. Since then it has been nothing short of a nightmare for Kashmiris. Kashmiris reject Indian occupation and ask the world to come together to fight this colonizer alongside the Kashmiris. Every single one of us has a responsibility towards speaking up for the ones who live everyday of their lives in fear.

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” — Haile Selassie

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