Tech How To's [Tutorial] How To Replace A Color Using Adobe Photoshop Cs3

Saad Sheikh

Saad Sheikh

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How to Replace a Color Using Adobe Photoshop

Things You'll Need: Adobe Photoshop CS3
Difficulty: Easy

The "Replace Color" adjustment command in Adobe Photoshop makes it easy to change a single color to a different color in a matter of minutes. The steps below will tell you how you can use this powerful command to replace any color in your Photoshop image.


1. Start Adobe Photoshop and open an image that contains a color that you would like to replace with another color.

2. Choose the "Image" menu, point to "Adjustments" and click on "Replace Color" to open the "Replace Color" dialog box.

3. Click on the color within your image that you want to replace with another color. Your cursor will be replaced by the eyedropper tool at this point to pick up that chosen color.

4. Increase or decrease the fuzziness of the image by using the "Fuzziness" slider in the "Replace Color" dialog box. The more you increase the fuzziness, the more color will pick up. Decreasing the fuzziness of the image means the less color the image will pick up.

5. Click the color well toward the bottom of the "Replace Color" dialog box to bring up the "Select target color" dialog box.

6. Choose the color you want to use to replace the existing color in the "Select target color" dialog box, using the color field and other color settings to pick your custom color.

7. Select the "OK" button to close the "Select target color" dialog box and "OK" again to close the "Replace Color" dialog box. You will now see the results of the color replacement. You can return to the "Replace Color" dialog box at any time to readjust the color replacement settings.
