Five Pillars of Islam Virtues Of Charity‏



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Virtues of Charity‏

ASALATU WASALAMU ALAYKA YA RASULLALLAH Salla Allahu ta\'ala \'alayhi wa Sallam

1. Generosity is a great attribute of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala. In other words, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala is extremely generous.

2. The servant of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala gives a small piece of bread as charity. In the sight of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala that small piece increases to such an extent that it equals the size of Mount. Uhud.

3. You should seek sustenance from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala by spending in His path.

4. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala is noble and He loves nobility. He loves good character and good manners, and dislikes evil character and evil mannerisms.

5. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala has chosen special servants of His in order to fulfil the needs of other people. purpose. These special servants who fulfil the needs of poor people will be saved from the punishment of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala.

6. Beloved Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu ta\'ala \'alayhi wa Sallam addressed Hadrat Bilaal radiallahu anhu saying: \"Spend O Bilal, and don\'t ever have any fear of any decrease from the Master (Owner) of the arsh.\" That is, spend freely on appropriate occasions and do not fear poverty from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala.

7. A beggar at the door of a Mumin (believer) is actually a gift from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala. It is obvious that a gift has to be gladly accepted especially if that gift is from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala. Therefore, we should help the beggar as much as we can.

8. You should give in charity and cure your sick through charity because charity repels sicknesses and diseases and it increases your life and your good deeds.

9. It is mentioned in a Hadith that no wali (close friend) of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala was born except through generosity and good habits. In other words, generosity and good habits are most definitely found in the auliyaa\', i.e. the close friends of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta\'ala Ta\'ala.
