Five Pillars of Islam Zakath - A Road to Heaven



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Zakath - A Road to Heaven

Allah's Apostle (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: Islam is based on (the following) five (principles):
1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Apostle.
2. To offer the (compulsory) prayers dutifully and perfectly.
3. To pay Zakat (i.e. obligatory charity) .
4. To perform Hajj (i.e. Pilgrimage to Mecca).
5. To observe fast during the month of Ramadan

What Is Zakat?

Zakat means growth (nam'a), blessings (barakah), purification (taharah), or appreciation (madh). It is called zakat because one's wealth grows through the blessings of giving part of it and the prayer of those who receive it. Zakat purifies its giver of his/her sins and is clearly ordered by God. The Quran says "Take alms of their wealth and make them pure and clean " (9:103).

There are two main type of zakat:

Zakat on self (zakat al-fitr or fitra)
. This zakat is caused by breaking the fasting at the end of Ramadan. it is sometime called sadaqat al-fitr. Zakat ul-fitr is leived on individual and not on his/her wealth. Zakat ul-Fitr is mandatory for every Muslim, young, old, men, women, free and captive.

Zakat on wealth(zakat ul-mal).
-Zakat was instituted among Muslims to carry out a variety of objectives. Islam ordained zakat to achieve, through it, social justice and sublime moral and spiritual values. It is a criterion for the believers and a way to success in this life and the next. Allah says, "Who establishes worship and spend of that we have bestowed upon them, these are the true believers. For them are grades of honor with their Lord, and forgiveness, and a beautiful provision". [8:3-4]

Throughout our history, whenever Muslims truthfully applied the system of zakat, as Allah and His Messenger have ordained, the splendid objectives of zakat were fulfilled and its great effects appeared within the lives of individuals and the society. We must remember that first and foremost, zakat is an act of worship. Giving zakat is an act of obedience to the command of Allah, and a fulfillment of His covenant. The giver hopes that by giving it, he will receive a good reward in the Hereafter, and the growth and blessings of his wealth in this life.

Therefore Zakat is:

A transfer of posessions and not a favor or a gift, given by the owner to those who deserve it, in accordance with the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

Considered In a Specified Portion of the wealth, determined according to specific principles.

Not due on all types of wealth there are certain conditions that should be fulfilled in order not to pay zakat on one's wealth.

Due on wealth that has fulfilled the nisab (limit of exemption or minimum amount of one's holding that is liable to zakat). Having this condition ensure social justice and reduces the differences among social classes. It also guarantees sufficient equalization.

Moneys collected that is disposedof in a specific way, to specific persons.

Zakat is also purification from greed purification from greed, envy and greed. Islam recognizes the instinctive love of wealth and love of the self; stinginess is a part of what humans are, "And human inner selves are swayed by greed". [4:128]

To deal with this Islam treats it psychologically, by attraction and warning. Islam requests that the stingy self be generous and sacrifices what is dear to it, with the hope of attaining something better. For Allah says, "By no means shall you attain righteousness (and reward) unless you spend of that which you love". [3:92]
By responding to this call, the believers reach the peak of spending and the noblest of generosity, and the side of good within the self overcomes the side of instinct.

It serves to help the weak.-
When one pays zakat on one's wealth, he/she fulfills his/her responsibility towards society and the needy, he/she does this to comply with his Lord's instructions, "And those in whose wealth there is a known right, for the needy who asks and for those who are deprived of (wealth)".(9:103)

It improves an individual's social spirit.
- Zakat is true and practical expression of Islamic brotherhood. When Muslims pay zakat, the society becomes like one family. The prophet (SAW), said, "The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs is afflicted, the whole body responds to it with sleeplessness and fever". (Bukhari and Muslim) Zakat also removes hatred and envy from the hearts of the poor for they know that their right from the wealthy is preserved. The prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "The relationship of the believer with another believer is like (the brick of) a building, each strengthens the others". (Bukhari and Muslim)

It cleanses sins -
. Zakat brings forth the good and Allah's Mercy, "And My Mercy embraces all things. That (Mercy) I shall ordain for those who are righteous and give zakat, and those who believe in our verses (and signs)". [7:156]
On the other hand, in materialistic societies people live a life of chaos and loss. Within these societies, hatred and malice grow, crimes are perpetrated, and virtues are killed.

It spreads tranquility and peace
- Zakat is social security for the weak and a protection for the society against disintegration.

It improves one's personality
- Paying zakat and helping other Muslims makes the one more comfortable with his role in the community. He feels victorious over his weakness (like greed) and Satan, who try to keep him/her away from doing good deeds.

It brings about love -
. When people learn about the wealthy paying zakat and their willingness to help others, they quite naturally begin to love them because of this.

It purifies wealth.-
The Prophet (saw), said, "Whenever people refrain from paying the zakat due on their wealth, they will be deprived of rain. If it were not for the sake of their cattle, they would not receive rain". (Ibn Majah and Al-Hakim) Only by paying the right of Allah and the right of the poor from zakat is the wealth purified from decreasing, or from destruction.

It is a test from allah to his servants
.- People naturally love wealth, but the sign of true faith is to sacrifice what is loved for the sake of Allah. Therefore, zakat is a critical test to one's faith.

It motivates hard work- .
Zakat incites people to work and pay zakat(for the virtues it possessess).

Amount of Zakat Due:

The most common zakatable wealth is cash, stocks, gold and business commodities. The amount of zakat due on these types of wealth is 2.5% of their total values. However, this rate if different for other types of wealth such as agriculture products, livestock and natural resources.

Hadith on Zakat

~ "Money is only yours when you spend it in Allah (SWT) `s way."

~ "The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "Whosoever clothes another Muslim, Allah (SWT) will cloth him on the Day of Judgment with clothes of Heaven (Jannat)."

~ "The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "Indeed, an ignorant man who is generous is dearer to God than a worshipper who is miserly."

~ "The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abu Hurairah. Every morning two angels come down from the Heaven. One says, "O Allah! Reward all those who give in Your cause," while the other says, "O Allah! Uproot every miser who withholds."

~ "The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "�wealth is (like) green and sweet (fruit), and whoever takes it without greed, God will bless it for him, but whoever takes it with greed�will be like someone who eats but is never satisfied�The upper (giving) hand is better than the lower (receiving) hand."

~"Ali and Abu Hurayrah (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Prophet (PBUH) said, "When Zakaat is looked upon as a penalty (i.e., people will pay Zakaat with a heavy heart, as though it is a penalty), then look for violent windstorms, earthquakes, men being swallowed by the earth, metamorphosis, stones being pelted from the skies, and calamities following one another in rapid succession, like beads of rosary falling one after the other when its string is cut."

~ "When one gives Zakat with one hand the other hand should not know."

An eye opener-
Once there was a Muslim king. He was very wealthy, and one day he told his advisers that when he is buried he would like them to have his hands stick out of the grave. When inquired on why he would make such a peculiar request. He said he wanted to show the people that he had so much money in this world, but now that he is dead he cant take a single penny of it to the next....Hope we can learn a lot from this simple story .

Islam commands us to be GRATEFUL to ALLAH by using His favours in proper manners. We should share ALLAH's favours on us, with others.
Allah can provide them (needy ones) better than what He has given to us, but He wants to test us: So Is the love of Allah more in our hearts or the love of money?
So please spend Zakat in a proper way and benefit a lot of needy.

May Allah(swt) bless us all and make us always a reason to help others....ameen
Jazakallah khair !!
