Datin Paduka Name Meaning, Origin, Religion, Personality, Lucky Number

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Datin Paduka Meaning

Honorary title in Malaysia

Datin Paduka Urdu spelling

داتن پدوکا

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  • Muslim
ملائیشیا میں کسی قابل احترام بزرگ خاتون کو دیا جانے والا سرکاری لقب

In Malaysia, the Ruler and Governor grants state title awards. Such titles are honorary and non-hereditary.

Dato Sri
Dato' Sri or Dato' Seri is the highest state title conferred by the Ruler on the most deserving recipients who have contributed greatly to the nation or state. It ranks below the federal title Tun and is an honour equivalent to federal title Tan Sri. The wife of a recipient is Datin Sri.
Some rulers grant awards which carry highest titles unique to that state, such as Dato' Sri Utama of the state of Negeri Sembilan.
Women holders of Dato' Seri or its derirative would be called Datin Paduka Seri.

Datuk Seri
Datuk Seri is the most senior state title conferred only by the governor to the most deserving recipient who has highly contributed to the nation or state.
Please Note: Dato' Sri and Datuk Seri can be confused and Malaysia media and press may address Dato' Sri titleholders as Datuk Seri.
Women who have been awarded the title of Datuk Seri may use its feminine title of Datin Paduka Seri.

Dato' is the most common title awarded in Malaysia. The wife of a Dato' is a Datin, except in Terengganu where they are known as To' Puan (not to be confused with Toh Puan, the wife of a non-hereditary Tun).
Dato' may only be conferred by a hereditary royal ruler of one of the nine Malay states. The wife of a hereditary Dato' is addressed by courtesy as To' Puan.
Female Dato's are called Datin Paduka as she is bestowed the title on her own right while her husband will not receive a title

What does Datin Paduka mean?

Datin Paduka is a name of origin for Baby girls that mean Honorary title in Malaysia

How do you write Datin Paduka in ?

The name Datin Paduka is written in Arabic, Urdu and Persian as داتن پدوکا

What origin is the name Datin Paduka?

Datin Paduka is mainly popular in Muslim religion and its main origin is

Variant spellings of the name Datin Paduka

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Lucky number for Datin Paduka

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Is Datin Paduka a trendy name?

Baby girl name Datin Paduka has roots and means Honorary title in Malaysia. The name has secured a 2K ranking in popularity on Pakistan Web.

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